Marca exportada é melhor do que uma apenas local


  • Vivian Strehlau ESPM-SP
  • Maria de Lourdes Bacha
  • Suzane Strehlau



Marca, Imagem, Moda, Brand, Image, Fashion


Brazilian bikini brands have a good image either in Europe and United States of America, but little is known about its influence in Brazilian consumers. This study tried to identify what are the main factors that influence the choice of major exported bikini brands by young women. It is also intended to verify if there is a better perceived value concerning to the exported brand. This article is supported by a quantitative exploratory research. A structured questionnaire was developed to obtain data. 179 women between 18 and 35 years old (considered as heavy users) belonging to AB social economic level were surveyed. Women were selected using a non-probabilistic, per convenience method was used. A quantitative analysis using SPSS was done. Main findings include the identification that exported bikini brands influence positively the decision process. The most relevant factors founded were fashion (the most important) followed by design, model and comfort.


Author Biographies

Vivian Strehlau, ESPM-SP

Doutora em Administração pela FGV-SP. Professora pesquisadora da ESPM-SP

Maria de Lourdes Bacha

É mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica. É professora de pesquisa de marketing e marketing na Faculdade Ibero Americana e Faculdade Brás Cubas. Tem como área de interesse a filosofia peirceana, com ênfase para teoria do inquiry e inducão. Tem dois livros publicados: Introdução à Pesquisa de Marketing e A Teoria da Investigação de C.S.Peirce.

Suzane Strehlau

Doutora em Administração pela FGV-SP Professora da ESPM-SP e Professora Pesquisadora da Fundação Educacional Inaciana Padre Saboioa de Medeiros



How to Cite

Strehlau, V., Bacha, M. de L., & Strehlau, S. (2008). Marca exportada é melhor do que uma apenas local. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 2(1), 97–119.


