International logistics, Supply chain, International maritime and railway transport, Systematic literature reviewAbstract
Objective: This research aimed to analyze the main alternative routes to Suez Canal Route (SCR): North Sea Route (NSR) and Trans-Siberian Route (TSR). Method: A systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out using the Web of Science (WoS) database. Forty-eight related articles were found, of which 16 remained for further analysis after refinement. Main Results: It was identified that the TSR and NSR routes are economically viable compared to the SCR, given certain specific conditions, and that the railway mode is less studied in relation to the maritime mode. Relevance / Originality: Possible alternative trade routes for the transportation of goods, both via maritime and railway modes, were identified, with the highlighting of advantages and disadvantages. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: The study is relevant for the international logistics field, since, by analyzing each transport mode, it was possible to highlight issues that need to be further explored in relation to existing routes. Social / Management Contributions: This study contributed to determining TSR as the most cost-effective route according to the articles analyzed in the SLR. It also clarified issues such as prices, costs, distances, advantages and disadvantages, sustainability issues, as well as updated data from other studies.
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