Combining experience marketing with influence marketing can lead to an increase in digital brand awareness
Marketing de influência, marketing de experiência, influenciadoras digitais, brand awareness, boca-a-boca.Abstract
Objective: This work aimed to discuss how the combined strategy of experiential marketing and influence marketing can lead to an increase in a brand's digital brand awareness. By combining elements of experience marketing with the dissemination through digital influencers, this project presents and discusses the positive results found in an award-winning marketing initiative in Portugal. Method: The methodology used is the case study of a marketing initiative of a fashion retail company and which was awarded in Portugal. The analysis is qualitative, based on a proposed theoretical framework that includes elements of experiential marketing and influence marketing strategies. From this suggested framework, photographs, interviews with company managers, posts and comments on the brand's social networks and digital influencers were analyzed. Main results: The analysis of the results suggests that a strategy that promotes a consumer experience for digital influencers results in a greater involvement, a greater number of publications on social media, and, as a consequence, greater and better quality of word-of-mouth for the brand, amplifying the brand's presence on digital channels and, consequently, the brand awareness in the digital context. Relevance / Originality: This work brings data from an activity carried out in the market that combines experience marketing with influence marketing, with analysis of the concepts that support these strategies and discussion of the results obtained by this action. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: This article presents the synergy obtained from the combination of experience marketing and influence marketing in the management practices of fashion retail companies.
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