Social business in multinational corporations: an analysis of marketing practices


  • Thiago José de Chaves Faculdade Católica de Santa Catarina – FACASC, Florianópolis/SC, Brasil
  • Thelma Rocha Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brasil
  • Jana Reuther has a Master of International Management degree from CEMS FGV and University of Sydney. E-mail:
  • Renata Fernandes Galhanone Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brasil



Multinational Corporations, Marketing Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Business, Low-Income Markets


Social business (SB) as a category of organization that seeks to create long-term economic and social value for the majority of the people has attracted the attention of policy-makers, practitioners, and scholars. Some authors highlight the role that multinational corporations (MNCs) have in mitigating social and environmental problems by offering products and services to meet the demands of lower-income populations. Based on a discussion of social business and such initiatives inside MNCs, this article investigates how the Brazilian subsidiaries of two large MNCs (Coca-Cola and Danone) are performing SB in a developing country. More specifically, we focused on how they are using their marketing know-how to achieve the desired results. The cases were chosen based on their global relevance, reach, and representativeness in SB efforts. Our study has shown that their social initiatives are linked to the corporate mission, values and strategies, and that they aim to achieve social transformation in connection to their core business. Our goal is to contribute both to academic research and to future initiatives in Brazil and other developing countries.


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Author Biographies

Thiago José de Chaves, Faculdade Católica de Santa Catarina – FACASC, Florianópolis/SC, Brasil

Professor in Business Administration, Master in Business Administration-International Management from ESPM-São Paulo (2014). Areas of research: multinationals, marketing, social entrepreneurship, social impact, public administration.

Thelma Rocha, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Professor of International Marketing of PMDGI and MPCC at ESPM. PhD in Business Administration with emphasis in Marketing from FEA-USP. Master in Business Administration from EAESP / FGV with specialization in International Business from Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Sweden. Research the International Marketing area, Franchise Internationalization and Relationship Marketing.E-mail:

Jana Reuther, has a Master of International Management degree from CEMS FGV and University of Sydney. E-mail:

has a Master of International Management degree from CEMS FGV and University of Sydney. E-mail:

Renata Fernandes Galhanone, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Post-Doctoral fellow in International Marketing at PMDGI– ESPM. Post-Doctoral program in Consumer Behavior at FEI-SP Business School. PhD and Master degree in Business Administration from FEA-USP, Marketing track. Marketing specialization from ESPM – SP. Research focus on International Marketing, Franchise Internationalization, the Luxury Market, Strategic Marketing, and Consumer Behavior. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Chaves, T. J. de, Rocha, T., Reuther, J., & Galhanone, R. F. (2017). Social business in multinational corporations: an analysis of marketing practices. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 12(1), 62–75.