From local to global: institutional and resource dynamics in the international strategies of Brazilian small- and medium-sized enterprises




Internationalization strategies, Organizational resources, Institutions, Small and medium-sized enterprises


This paper investigates the influences of organizational resources and institutions on international sales, among a group of Brazilian SMEs. In this exploratory field research, interviews were conducted with managers from 20 exporting SMEs and data regarding managerial traits, product quality, knowledge and learning, and innovation, as well as institutions were gathered and analyzed. Among key results, it was verified a consistent business approach toward foreign markets largely motivated by survival, a strategy in response to an adverse domestic business environment, since economies of scale may only be achieved through international business, despite a large home market. Organization’s resources are directed at overcoming institutional barriers both in domestic and European markets and assure continuous business relationships.


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Author Biographies

Afonso Lima, Universidade de Fortaleza – Fortaleza (CE), Brazil.

Professor Adjunto | Associate Professor Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA) | Management Graduate Program

Universidade de Fortaleza - UNIFOR | University of Fortaleza

Edson Luis Riccio, Universidade de São Paulo – São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

CONTECSI USP Coordination Official Conference of BRAIS Brazilian Chapter of AIS - Association for Information Systems and  ABRAST – Brazilian Association of Researchers in  Information Systems and Information Technology

Liani Maria Hanauer Favretto, Universidade do Contestado – Concórdia (SC), Brazil.

Master in Psychopedagogy
Professor of the Psychology course at the University of Contestado UNC


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How to Cite

Favretto, J., Lima, A., Riccio, E. L., & Favretto, L. M. H. (2025). From local to global: institutional and resource dynamics in the international strategies of Brazilian small- and medium-sized enterprises . Internext - International Business and Management Review, 20(1).