Network use in internationalization processes: a longitudinal study on the software industry


  • Sylvia Therezinha de Almeida Moraes Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, IAG/PUC/Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil
  • Angela da Rocha Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, IAG/PUC/Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil
  • Jorge Ferreira da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, IAG/PUC/Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil



Redes, Capital Social, Internacionalização, Relacionamentos


This study, from a longitudinal perspective and through dense description, seeks to obtain an understanding of how Brazilian software firms access and use international partner networks over time in their internationalization processes. Four dyad relationships were analyzed of Brazilian software firms and international firms operating in various countries. Data collection considered both primary and secondary sources, allowing for triangulation. The use of interviews with more than one firm director over several years led to further triangulation. Data analysis followed the recommended protocol for case studies: description, theoretical coding, and identification of patterns and contrasts, including comparison between theory and cases. A description of the identified categorization process is completed. A longitudinal analysis of the relationships studied shows a sequence of steps that characterize their evolution. Two network relationship evolution processes were identified: between smaller firms with multinationals and between similar firms. The study provides important contributions to the understanding of how to initiate and develop international social networks over time, in particular, with regards to the role of personal relationships.


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Author Biographies

Sylvia Therezinha de Almeida Moraes, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, IAG/PUC/Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil

Professor of strategy and marketing at PUC-Rio. Experience in the area of Information Technology, acting as manager and account executive for 27 years in multinational companies. MSc. and PhD in Business Administration (PUC-Rio). Main research interests: Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship, Social Capital.

Angela da Rocha, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, IAG/PUC/Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil

Coordinator of NUPIN – Research Center in International Business at PUC-Rio. Professor at PUC-Rio. PhD in Business Administration (IESE Business School), Master in Business Administration (Coppead/UFRJ) and economist (UFRJ). Author or editor of 13 books, several book chapters and articles published in national and international journals. Consulting activities at Brazilian companies, multinationals, and government agencies. Research interests: International Business and the New Middle Class.

Jorge Ferreira da Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, IAG/PUC/Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil

Professor of Strategy at PUC-Rio. PhD in Industrial Engineering, MSc. In Business Administration and electronic engineer by PUC-Rio. Served as Scientific Director and President of ANPAD for several years. Acted as top executive of several firms in the areas of technology and marketing, with substantial experience in Brazil and other countries. Published several academic articles, books and book chapters in Brazil and internationally. Research interests: Competitive and collaborative strategies, Firm performance and Firm internationalization. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Moraes, S. T. de A., da Rocha, A., & Ferreira da Silva, J. (2017). Network use in internationalization processes: a longitudinal study on the software industry. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 12(1), 76–90.

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