The decision-making in the internationalization of brazilian franchising chains


  • Nadia Wacila Hanania Vianna PPGA-UNIP
  • Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo PPGA-UNIP
  • Arnaldo Luiz Ryngelblum PPGA-UNIP



Franchising Chains, Internationalization, Decision-Making


This research aimed to understand how the decision making process regarding the internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains occurred. This work intended to learn the motivation for internationalization, and the methods used in decision-making. The results obtained from two franchise chains revealed the adoption of two different decision processes: one where the decision was induced by an interested party in obtaining the international franchise and the other by the franchisor. The entry modes chosen by these chains were distinct (establishment of a wholly owned unit and a franchised unit); these choices conditioned the following steps in the internationalization process.


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Author Biographies

Nadia Wacila Hanania Vianna, PPGA-UNIP

Doutora em Administração (FEA-USP)

Professora Titular do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Paulist

Pedro Lucas de Resende Melo, PPGA-UNIP

Doutor em Administração (FEA-USP)

Professor Titular do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Paulista

Arnaldo Luiz Ryngelblum, PPGA-UNIP

Doutor em Administração (EAESP-FGV)

Professor Titular do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Paulista

Coordenador do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Paulista


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How to Cite

Vianna, N. W. H., Resende Melo, P. L. de, & Ryngelblum, A. L. (2014). The decision-making in the internationalization of brazilian franchising chains. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 9(1), 101–118.