Dynamic capabilities for cooperation in Brazilian multinational and factors determining its management


  • Priscila Rezende da Costa Department of Management, University Nove - UNINOVE
  • Geciane Silveira Porto Faculty of Economics, Business and Economics of Ribeirão Preto - FEA




Dynamic Capabilities, Cooperation, Innovation, Brazilian Multinationals


In the context of emerging companies’ growth, current challenges depend on the local generation of product and process innovations, as well as dynamic capability to generate innovative solutions cooperatively and new globe business models. The objective of this study is to analyse the determining managerial factors for the dynamic capability of cooperation in Brazilian multinationals (BMNs). A survey was conducted with a sample of 60 BMNs, and a structured questionnaire and statistical tests with factorial analysis and Cronbach's alpha were used. The aggregate analysis of the results indicates that BMNs are going through a transitional process between the operational capability of cooperation and the capability for dynamic cooperation, which are relevant to the continuous adaptation of already-established cooperative management routines and the evaluation and incorporation of the relational capability of management practices that consider systemic flows, open innovation and integrate strategic intentionality into cooperative processes.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Rezende da Costa, Department of Management, University Nove - UNINOVE

PhD in Management from the University of São Paulo. Full professor for the Business Management postgraduate program at the University Nove de Julho - UNINOVE

Geciane Silveira Porto, Faculty of Economics, Business and Economics of Ribeirão Preto - FEA

PhD in Management from the University of São Paulo. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Economics of Ribeirão Preto - FEA


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How to Cite

Costa, P. R. da, & Porto, G. S. (2015). Dynamic capabilities for cooperation in Brazilian multinational and factors determining its management. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 10(1), 57–69. https://doi.org/10.18568/1980-4865.10157-69

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