The internationalization process of Totvs: a case study of the acquisition of Mexican Sipros and adhesions to the theories in the light of the model of Whitelock (2002)


  • Aldo José Brunhara UNINOVE



Theories of internationalization, Entry modes, Whitelock Model, TOTVS


This study aims to identify, using the model of Whitelock (2002), adherences of theories at internationalization process of Totvs – Brazil's largest enterprise management software organization – through a case study of the acquisition of a Mexican company called Sipros. The survey is a qualitative, from the case study protocol (YIN, 2005) with the planning of the questionnaire with open questions interviews conducted with the director of international business and the company general director in Mexico. This research results demonstrate that the model of Whitelock (2002), facilitates the understanding of adherence to the theories and confirm that the process of internationalization of Totvs is adherent to the concepts of the Uppsala School (JOHANSON; PAUL-WIDERSHEIM, 1975; CARLSON, 1975; JOHANSON; VAHLNE, 1977), with gradual growth of the entries in markets with psychic distance near the market in the country of origin, and to the eclectic paradigm theory – O-Ownership of Dunning (1980) that although the entry in Mexico followed previous experiences internationalization models of experience acquired gradually, the acquisition occurred by market interests, and sought to leap steps to enter into more relevant markets – the Marketing Seeking – to acquire the market know-how and property of complementary product to current portfolio of the organization investigated.


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Author Biography

Aldo José Brunhara, UNINOVE

Mestre em Administração pela PUC-SP, MBA Comércio Internacional FEA USP, Professor da UNINOVE, Profissional com 25 anos de experiência em Multinacionais como Lloyds Bank, SGS, Pepsico, ExxonMobil e Acision.


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How to Cite

Brunhara, A. J. (2013). The internationalization process of Totvs: a case study of the acquisition of Mexican Sipros and adhesions to the theories in the light of the model of Whitelock (2002). Internext - International Business and Management Review, 8(2), 99–112.