Analysis of the Internationalization Process of a Venezuelan Company
Internationalization, Strategy, Small businessAbstract
This paper aimed to analyze, under the perspectives of economic and organizational behavior theories, the case of the internationalization of Agrogilca, a Venezuelan company classified as an small and medium business, which operates in the mining segment, agricultural materials and building materials. This is an instrumental case study, which had as sources of evidence the examination of documents provided directly by company’s directors and interviews with its owner and employees. For the data analysis and interpretation, it was took the procedure of adaptation to the theory, since the data obtained empirically were contrasted to elements of already consolidated theories about internationalization of companies. It is concluded that the strategy adopted by Agrogilca company is very close to Theory of Market Power proposed by Hymer, in which companies tend to intensify its position abroad and expand their operations. Its internationalization process did not occur according to the Uppsala model, in which the gradualism of relationship matches the gradualism of internationalization processes, but only with exportations that make companies intensify its position abroad, and finally, shows proximity to the internationalization strategy of Multidomestic Theory of Hoskisson. This is because this theory considers as an internationalization cause the sectoral conditions, political structures and customer needs for a greater administrative performance and competitiveness of the company.Downloads
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